Serial Port and IP Modem Basics Settings

  • 2018-04-12
  • Author : Baima
  • PV : 4365

1. Serial Port Configuration

Connect BMD100 to PC through RS232, then open Baima configuration tool (DTU.exe), click on the left side, choose the right serial port as below.

Click , and repower BMD100, waiting for entering into configuration status.

2. Basic Settings

2.1 Device ID: to identify the BMD100 and for device management, if you have many BMD100 connected to server, please make sure all the ID are different

2.2 SIM Card No.: The No. of SIM inserted in this device

2.3 Work Mode

DTU (Transfer the data to server through GPRS/SMS) 

MODEM (Normal Modem, dial up or sending SMS through AT Command) 

IMODEM (Intelligent Modem, except the functions supported by normal modem mentioned above, it is always online for SMS function) 

2.4 Debug Level

2: all logs output through RS232/RS485 

1: part of important logs output through RS232/RS485 

0: no logs output

2.5 Communication Baud Rate 

300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200

Supported baud rate: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600 and 115200

2.6 Databit, Parity and Stopbit

8N1 (8 Databit, No Parity, 1 Stopbit) 

8E1 (8 Databit, Even Parity, 1 Stopbit) 

8O1 (8 Databit, Odd Parity, 1 Stopbit) 

7O1 (7 Databit, Odd Parity, 1 Stopbit) 

7E1 (8 Databit, Even Parity, 1 Stopbit) 

7N1 (7 Databit, No Parity, 1 Stopbit) 

2.7 Frame Interval (Unit: Millisecond): 

When IP Modem receives packet slicing, increase the value, while for packet merging, lower the value, 20ms for 115200 baud rate, 50ms for 9600 baud rate and 200ms for 1200 baud rate.

2.8 Trigger Settings 

AUTO: always online 

SMSD: SMS trigger mode, sending specific SMS to trigger BMD100 online   

CTRL: make call to trigger BMD100 online 

DATA:sending specific data to trigger BMD100 online or offline 

MIXD: support SMSD, CTRL and DATA trigger mode, user can use any of them to trigger BMD100

2.9 Call Trigger Phone NO.: 

user can add a phone number in the blank, once the trigger mode is CTRL or MIXD, and BMD100 receives the call from this number, it will get online

2.10 SMS Trigger Password: 

you can set up a code in the blank, once the trigger mode is SMSD and MIXD, and BMD100 receives a SMS text with ‘DAIL+code’, it will get online. For example, your code is 123456, you can trigger BMD100 by sending SMS text ‘DAIL123456’

2.11 Data Trigger On Password: 

user can set up trigger data in the blank, once the trigger mode is DATA and MIXD, and BMD100 receives the trigger data through RS232/RS485 serial port, it will get online

2.12 Data Trigger Off Password: 

user can set up trigger data in the blank, once the trigger mode is DATA and MIXD, and BMD100 receives the trigger data through RS232/RS485 port, it will get offline

2.13 RTC Setting: 

user can set up the system time for BMD100 Cellular IP Modem

More details on the serial port (including much of this section) will be found in Cellular Modem Help Document.

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